
My hobbies

I will introduce about my hobbies. I have any hobbies. I like watching movie. I often watch these movies. My favorite movie is “Pirates of The Caribbean”, because I like Johnny Depp very much. I want to be friend.

I also like driving. I have a drivers license. I want to go a lot of places by my car. I like taka a picture too. I taka a picture by my mobile phone. I go to the UK this summer, so I want to take a lot of picture.
Next, I like talking with my friends. I have a lot of friends. I want to talk with my friends more. I like listening music too. I usually listening music in my car. I have a lot of CDs. My favorite CD is “KREVA”, because his voice and words very much. I want to go his concert. But I can’t take his concert ticket, because he is very popular.

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