
6th essays: CD

I will write about CD history.

In the year 1981, Sony and Philips develop a CD as a format for music.
In the tear 1982, Sony releases consumer CD player CDP101 on October 1st. The price was 168,000 yen. In addition, CDP-5000S (1,800,000 yen) was released as a model for business use, too.
In the year 1985, rental business of the music software that became a problem from the past is authorized. Sales of a CD accomplish ratio 332% and rapid growth in the last year.
In the year 1986, the share of the CD becomes 54%, and overtake an analog record and cassette tape; the arrival of the CD time.

I am interested in the history of the CD very much. I bought a lot of CDs so far, so the CD is indispensable for me. People to rent than I buy a CD increase, but I like to buy than I rent it recently. I am depressed and I should be sad and hear a CD and refresh a feeling.
I think that power of CD is splendid.
The CD which I always hear, "
KREVA", "Crystal Kay", " Christina Aguilera", "DJ KAORI", and so on.

Please hear it by all means, and I want to know the thing of the CD which you hear well.

3 件のコメント:

yuukarinoki さんのコメント...

It was very expensive.
CD history is very interesting.
You are nice!

Makko さんのコメント...

I like KREVA! I will go his live at Fukuoka in November 5th.
And I'm interested in SONOMI that is a member of KU-level.
If you are interested in her, I can lend you her CD♪

mami さんのコメント...

Yukari♥ CD was very expensive.
Makko♥ I want to listen CD of her.