
Kumamoto ( Mega Essay )

We will write about Kumamoto. Kumamoto has some famous place. For example, Kumamoto Castle, Suizenji park, Shirakawa source and so on.

Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto is famous for Kumamoto Castle. Kumamoto Castle is counted among one of the Japan's three biggest fine castles. In 1583, it was built by Kiyomasa Kato. Construction of a castle began in 1601 and was completed in 1607. Kumamoto castle is construction of a castle about 400 years this year. The greatest characteristic of Kumamoto Castle is Ishigaki. In Kumamoto city. They are going to leave Ishigaki eternally. Therefore I perform piling over again construction of Ishigaki every year and they save it and manage it.

In Kumamoto Castle, a lot of events performed. There are about 800 cherry tree in Kumamoto Castle, so in the end of March when a cherry tree blooms, it is opened by night.

Suizenji park

Suizenji park is in Kumomoto city. The park is very large. The park was build in 1632 by Hosokawa Tadatoshi. The park is designated as a national cultural asset. A tourist of about 1,800,000 people a year visited in the golden age.

Shirakawa source

Shirakawa source is in Aso. Water of 60 tons per minute is gushing in the Shirakawa source. There is frequented by tourist all year around. Many stall stood in within the source. You can buy speciality and well-known product.

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